Akhter, F., Schoppe, A., Navarro, O., Carroll, C., Jain, P., Pescador, R., Feng, Y., De Lorenzo, R., Hood, R.L., “Characterization of a Novel Emergency Suction Device for Combat Medics”, American Society of Mechanical Engineering, Journal of Medical Devices, 2019 (Paper was accepted on March, yet to be published)Read More
[2] Akhter, F., Schoppe, A., Navarro, O., Carroll, C., Adams, B., Feng, Y., De Lorenzo, R., Hood, R.L., “Development of a Portable Suction System, and Characterization of the Suction Catheters for the Military, and Civilian Emergencies”, BMES 2018 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 2018, PosterRead More
[3] Navarro, O., Schoppe, A., Akhter, F., Berard, D., Alapag, A., Lasch, M., Liu, E., Pescador, R., DeLorenzo, R., Adams, B., Feng, Y., Hood, R.L., “Design and Development of a Portable Airway Suction Device for First Responders in Military and Civilian Emergency”, SURF 2018, San Antonio, TX, Jun 2018, PosterRead More